AmpliVox SN3250 Pinnacle Full Height Multimedia Lectern Non-Sound (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SN3265 Visionary Multimedia Lectern
AmpliVox SN3430 Multimedia Smart Podium without Sound (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SN3500 Wood & Acrylic Presentation Lectern
AmpliVox SN3540 Clear Acrylic & Wood Floor Lectern (3 wood accents)
AmpliVox SN3540-CL Clear Acrylic Floor Lectern H Design with Shelf
AmpliVox SN3545 Smoke Acrylic Lectern with Wood Panels (3 colors)
AmpliVox SN3545-CL Clear Acrylic Floor Lectern V Design
AmpliVox SN3550- Smoke Acrylic with Wood Panels & Base Lectern (3 colors)
AmpliVox SN3555 Deluxe Clear Acrylic Wood Floor Lectern (in 3 colors)
AmpliVox SN3560 Deluxe Smoke Acrylic Wood Floor Lectern (3 wood options)
AmpliVox SS1234 Line Array Speaker with Wired Microphone
AmpliVox SS124 Roving Rostrum Podium PA
AmpliVox SS3010 Oxford Two-Piece Lectern With Wired Sound System (in 2 colors)
AmpliVox SS3020 Victoria Lectern with Sound (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SS3025 Victoria Tabletop Lectern with Sound System (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SS3035 Ambassador Lectern with Sound (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SS3040 Patriot Lectern with Sound System (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SS3045 Patriot Plus Lectern with Sound (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SS3230 Multimedia Computer Lectern with Sound System (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SS3235 Multimedia Presentation Podium with Sound System (in 4 Colors)
AmpliVox SS3430 Multimedia Sound Smart Podium (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox ST3240 Pinnacle Tabletop Lectern with Sound (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox ST3250 Pinnacle Multimedia Lectern with Microphone (in 4 colors)