AmpliVox SS3230 Multimedia Computer Lectern with Sound System (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SS3235 Multimedia Presentation Podium with Sound System (in 4 Colors)
AmpliVox SS3430 Multimedia Sound Smart Podium (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox ST3240 Pinnacle Tabletop Lectern with Sound (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox ST3250 Pinnacle Multimedia Lectern with Microphone (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SW124 Wireless Podium PA Roving Rostrum
AmpliVox SW250 Tabletop Lectern with Sound & Wireless Microphone
AmpliVox SW272 EZ Speak Lectern with Sound System & Wireless Microphone (2 colors)
AmpliVox SW3010 Oxford Two-Piece Lectern with Wireless Sound System (2 colors)
AmpliVox SW3020 Victoria Lectern with Wireless Microphone (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SW3025 Victoria Tabletop Classic Lectern With Wireless Sound
AmpliVox SW3030 Coventry Lectern with Wireless Microphone (5 Colors)
AmpliVox SW3035 Ambassador Lectern with Sound & Wireless Microphone (5 colors)
AmpliVox SW3040 Patriot Lectern with Wireless Microphone (in 5 colors)
AmpliVox SW3045 Patriot Plus Lectern - Wireless Handheld Mic
AmpliVox SW3230 Multimedia Computer Lectern with Wireless Microphone (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SW3235 Wireless Multimedia Presentation Podium (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SW3240 Wireless Pinnacle Tabletop Lectern (4 colors)
AmpliVox SW3250 Pinnacle Wireless Multimedia Lectern (in 4 colors)
AmpliVox SW3430 Wireless Multimedia Smart Podium (4 colors)
AmpliVox SW450 Presidential Plus Lectern with Wireless Microphone (in 2 Colors)
AmpliVox SW470 Chancellor Lectern with Wireless Microphone (in 3 colors)
AmpliVox SW505 Wireless Executive Column Lectern with Sound System (4 colors)
AmpliVox SW505A Wireless Executive Adjustable Sound Column Lectern (4 colors)