Lowel Tota/Omni Solo Lighting Kit
LOWEL SOLO KITincludes the following:
- 2 Tota-lights (T1-10)
- 2 750w, 120v lamps (EMD)
- 4 Omni-lights (01-10)
- 4 500w, 120v lamps (FTK)
- 2 #3 Superspot Reflectors
- (01-17)
- 5 Omni-stands (01-33)
- 4 Omni Barndoors (01-20)
- 2 Diffused Glass (01-50)
- 2 Full Scrims (01-54)
- 2 Half Scrims (01-55)
- 1 Graduated Scrim (01-56)
- 1 Cookaloris (01-57)
- 3 Tota-brellas (T1-25)
- 6 Tota-frames (T1-20)
- 3 Assorted Gels (T1-78)
- 1 Lightflector with Tilter (LFT)
- 4 Tota-flags (T1-52)
- 1 Tota-flector (T1-54)
- 4 Flexi-shafts (2 pks) (T1- 50)
- 1 Tota-mount (T1-32)
- 2 Tota-clamps (T1-30)
- 1 Large Space Clamp (SC-10)
- 2 Tota-tatchs (T1-34)
- 2 Scissor-mounts (CM-20)
- 1 12-yard roll Gaffer-tape (GT-12)
- 2 Screw-in Studs 1 pkg (LSS)
- 2 Tota/Omni Lampaks (T0-61)
- 1 Omni Case (01-86Z)