Pico Digital PFAM550 550MHz Agile A/V Modulator
- A microprocessor controlled rebroadcast quality, phase locked loop synthesized, frequency agile CATV modulator
- Double conversion and superior SAW filtering provides adjacent channel compatibility and spurious free output
- Provides 60 dB minimum output from VHF channel 2 through 78 and 95 to 99 (54-550MHz) level from 50 to 550MHz including HRC and IRC offset frequencies
- Channelization configuration can be changed by the up/down buttons located on the front panel
- Double heterodyne conversion
- 60 dBmV minimum from 50-550 MHz
- Double I.F. loop; separate audio and video
- Composite I.F. loop (45.75 MHz)
- Automatic band splitting filters for superior carrier to noise ratio
- SAW filtered
- BTSC 4.5 MHz stereo capability
- RF mute
- Supports HRC, IRC, frequency offsets
- Front panel -30dB test point