Avocent AV3008-001 AutoView KVM Switch

Avocent AV3008-001 AutoView KVM Switch

  • $875.00
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Avocent AV3008-001 AutoView KVM Switch
The AutoView 3008 digital KVM switch includes access for one digital user and one local user in asingle solution. The on-board Web interface lets you remotely and securely manage all connectedservers and serial-based devices from any location. The local port gives you convenient at-the-rackaccess. This solution also includes local PS/2 and USB peripheral support. The AutoView digital KVMappliance offers LDAP user authentication, SSL-128 bit, DES, 3DES or AES communication, which aresuperior to industry standards. Other security features include 64 user accounts and an access controllist for each user.

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