Link Electronics LEI-592S IP Closed Caption System - Slave (requires Master & Slave for two way communication)
Link LEI-592S IP Closed Caption System - Slave (requires Master & Slave for two way communication)
Features- Audio and Data transmission
- Caption Over Internet
- Eliminate Phone Line
- USB or Serial input
- Multiple baud rates
- Primary-Secondary connect detect
- Data send-receive detect
- Volume control
- Encode HD or SD
- Audio Detect
The LEI-592 will enable most closed caption encoders that use serial communications to access the Internet, by sending data and voice over the internet. This will allow the user to Internet enable the encoder and remove the phone lines, without having to buy a new encoder. The concept consists of a Master Unit attached to the encoder and a Slave Unit at the location of the serial data entry (caption provider).
The audio signal from the Master Unit location is fed into the master Audio Connector. Data from the Slave Unit is sent via the internet to the Master Unit, which feeds the closed caption encoder. The Master Unit is used at the closed caption encoder location, where it receives audio from the video source location. The Slave Unit outputs audio for the captioner to listen to the source audio. The Slave Unit sends data to the Master Unit for feeding the caption encoder. Both devices have a serial/USB (switchable) port, a standard 3.5 mono headphone jack, and an Ethernet port to a broadband connection. When these devices are connected through the Internet, the two units get a handshake, that means they are communicating and are ready to send caption data with audio.
Status lights on the front will indicate an Internet connection to a device and transmission or reception of audio and serial data. This product does not manipulate data in any way. If the audio signal level needs to be modified, it must be done prior to the input jack of the Master Unit. It will be sampled at 12 KHz, and sent to the slave unit and reproduced. This is serial data, not VOIP or SKYPE. Latency, or time delay, is measured in milliseconds. There would be no dropping out, because it is using UDP to transmit the data. The UDP is a connectionless protocol that is more reliable for this type of transmission. The caption data is processed the same way. It doesn't matter if you use an SD or HD encoder, or even a stereo machine. What matters is that you attach a serial device to either the serial or USB port of the master and slave. No computer is needed.
The data is encrypted, proprietary information, so the Units will only accept commands, and data from each other. The security should not be an issue due to this type of system. At the present time the system requires a router with a public IP, and port forwarding for each of the Master Unit and Slave Unit. More than one slave can be used with a master, but some setup is required.