Sonifex RB-SC1 Sample Rate Converter (24 bit 96kHz Capable)
Sonifex RB-SC1 Sample Rate Converter (24 bit, 96kHz Capable)
Ideal for the transfer of digital audio between different digital equipment, the RB-SC1 sample rate converter standardises the sample rate of a digital audio signal to one of 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz or 96kHz, or to a synchronising input. Both audio inputs and outputs have push-button switches to select either AES/EBU or S/PDIF. The synchronising input can be selected from one of AES/EBU, S/PDIF or TTL word clock.
There are four modes of operation of the RB-SC1 dependent on how you want to synchronise the output to the input :
Master Mode
In this mode the digital output sample rate is simply set by, and locked to, the internal on-board clock generator. No sync signal is used or required.
Auto Sync Mode
In this mode the digital output sample rate follows the sync input. When the sync signal is not present the output sample rate will be set by, and locked to, the internal on-board clock generator at a frequency determined by the switch position.
Auto Lock Mode
In this mode no output will be generated until lock is achieved with a sync signal. The digital output sample rate now follows the sync input. If the sync signal is removed then the output sample rate will be set by, and locked to, the internal on-board clock generator at the closest frequency available to the previous sync input.
Slave Mode
In this mode the digital output sample rate follows the sync input. When the sync signal is not present the digital output is turned off.
There are also switches available to define the content of the channel status bits embedded within the digital audio stream. The channel status bits will be forced to Professional Mode for sample rates above 48kHz as they are not supported by the Consumer Mode. For sample rates of 32kHz, 44.1kHz and 48kHz, the status bits can be either set to follow the input signal type, or can be forced to either Professional or Consumer Mode.
As well as indicating that power is present on the unit, the LED on the front panel has a secondary role to indicate the status of the digital inputs. Fast flashing between red and amber indicates a loss of a digital input signal and slow flashing between red and amber indicates the absence of a synchronising input when not in Master Mode.